Saturday, November 23, 2013

Updates on current projects

The past few months I was busy learning basics of electronics and coding. I have been randomly going through online courses, books, asking around. I realize that though its easier to get access to learn coding through online modules. The challenge still lies in what you do with it all. I don't see myself as a coder or anything, I wanted to know just enough so I can build stuff. In that way, books are better. There is something for everyone. But its tedious and there is no guarantee that you will get what you want to at the end. It's never all in one. So I started asking people around. That's how I met Saurabh Datta. He actually got me 'acquainted' to electronics. So now I can go through codes, understand circuit and figure out the basics.

I am currently doing the project 'Encoded Texture'. I don't know how good the finishing will be or even if we could execute even half of our ideas. But I am having fun. We are making circuits that will be embedded in textiles to play the stories of the weavers based on the viewer's proximity, and how patterns can get visible on touch. We were hoping to procure some expensive stuff (thermo-chromic ink) for this, but for all sorts of reason its not working out. We are now hacking for alternatives. You can read more on this at

What else? I started work on my final year project this week. Its on the concept of communicating interpersonal awareness discreetly. Imagine yourself in an office and you need some help from a colleague. Based on subtle hints like body language, tone etc and awareness you know when its the right time to talk to your colleague. I am using the same concept of (interpersonal) awareness for family members (like elderly citizens) who are away from their families. The idea is to see how technology could work as a medium through which you can share and decipher meaningful interpretations about loved ones. The challenge is to see if technology could provide enough hints without sharing the details. And if and how will people use these hints in their daily communication. I will be making technological sketches and place it in the homes of the elderly citizens. I will add the details in a separate blog.

And I have recently started painting. After a long sabbatical, one day I randomly picked up the sketchbook and pencil. It felt good. The works seem more personal. I do them as and when I feel like. The only prerogative is that I finish them on the spot.

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