Starting from group dynamics, multi-disciplinary works, building on ideas like at IDEO, to creating random stuff. Collaboration is the need in the design process.
Group dynamics is one part of this entire process. But before that, why work in a group? Group would mean that you don't just sit on one idea rather add multiple layers and filter the idea as it goes through multiple stages and people. A similar approach is used at IDEO where it is believed that no idea is a bad idea.
Also design problems are much wider and is impossible for one person to handle it alone. This brings people from other areas of expertise in your team. And hence collaboration becomes a key word.
My personal experience has not been that good. In one my project we were a team of three- product design, graphic design, fine arts. It so happened that the graphic designer didn't enjoy the project as well and hence left it midway. It has since made me question on group dynamics. M P Ranjan explained that the success of a group depends on multiple factors: group dynamics, how we react to each other, how we feel about the work, how we approach each other as a team member, how we react to the views expressed on our work etc.
On the Bangalore Service Jam, I actually had to take the lead as there were disparate views and the team was not working together with one dominating member, who was as much resourceful, stopped another rather silent but resourceful member. At times it is about the ability to express your views. And it helps when we don't underestimate or dismiss an idea as blunt. I worked as a facilitator, my work almost took a backseat but the team management took priority. But thankfully we worked together and finished the brief.
I also think that being a designer is not always about creating new things. A similar line of view was opined by Charles and Ray Eames in their NID report. They said at times our job is nothing more than a catalyst and a collaborator where we manage to create a system that facilitates the design process among the necessary stakeholders.
Currently I am part of a group that has people from fine arts to design to technologists. Each one brings their own level of expertise and thought process. As much resourceful the members are, it is a challenge to work as a team without discouraging anyone. One of the tactics have been to ensure that all ideas are worked on in the first stage and only those which manage to interest the group is taken forward. This ensures that nothing is rejected, the success of the individual is seen rather than assumed and most importantly we create a positive competition among the members where we build upon each others' ideas after the first stage.
Collaboration is the key. It is not just a challenge but a skill that if learned can go a long way in bringing forth very effective output. As a multidisciplinary group, it has helped that we build on each other's ideas and that has led us to create random concepts that holds more potential and are interesting to work on.
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